Thought of the Week: Be Passionate

In this stunningly beautiful, award-winning video work from The Astray, the message is about passion. Relax for a few moments and soak this masterpiece in. Let’s gather some friends and เล่น UFABET tonight for some fun.

I never set out to be anything in particular, only to live creatively, and push the scope of my experience through adventure and passion.

Passion is part of what drives the people who make change. It’s part of what makes someone work deep into the evening to make it right. It’s the people pouring out ideas in the #SolvePT movement. It’s the leadership of the profession, regardless of how effective you think they are.

For a long time I had no passion for this profession or my career. Moving from job to job, I had little fulfillment. With a little luck and a little self-exploration, I was able to discover which aspects of physical therapy resonated with me. Fortunate. My passion is now strong. This job has become my profession. This blog is an expression of that passion. What is your passion?

Live Creatively. With Passion. Expand Your Experience.

2 Replies to “Thought of the Week: Be Passionate”

  1. Beautiful video and perspective on life and pursing happiness. I am currently home nursing a broken leg and trying to figure out where my passion in the world of medicine and PT lives. Kudos to your artistic talent!

  2. Wow:

    You have rekindled the dwindling fire for the profession.

    Thanks much…Keep the passion burning to burn others to re-ignite their passion for the profession.

    Thank you.

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