I'm back and so here's a link


General apologies and regrets for the long delay between posts. One of the things I was up to was presenting at the annual APTA Conference in Baltimore with Tim Noteboom. I thought it might be nice to direct all those folks who I coerced into subscribing to my blog by way of a how-to demo to the slides from the presentation.

Here they are posted on my Physiopedia Page.


5 Replies to “I'm back and so here's a link”

  1. You do excellent work, Eric, but it also overwhelms and old lady like me. I think I'm doing pretty good (I post 3-4x/week) but when I look at your slide show – sheesh! It's like I'm still using rotary dial!

  2. Hey, thanks for sharing. Is it appropriate to ask about zotero? How does that work? What are the pros and cons? I have articles (PDFs) I like just on a stick thing organized in a way I understand. So, you're going to tell me if I lose my stick or misplace my stick or break my stick… Can you share just a bit about zotero? (That sounds like some movie the kids have and I also immediately think of Trump and one of the challenges.)

  3. I use Zotero as my primary reference manager. The newest version even allows you to create collaborative library collections with people you are writing a paper with. It can also work in reverse, and so for many PDFs, Zotero has the ability to retrieve the metadata and create a citation from the file you have! The best way to learn about Zotero is to view the video on their website. http://www.zotero.org/

  4. I've had really good luck using InTouch: http://www.getintouch.ca/

    It's really great physical therapy software, has a ton of features for administering a clinic. I just wanted to share in case anyone was interested.

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