Well, here we are, shiny new digs and everything! When I think back to this blog’s humble beginnings on Blogger with a standard template, to our current professionally designed site…well I just can’t imagine how I got from, “I wonder how you blog…” to this!
Where We’ve Been
Before I go any further, I would be remiss if I did not reflect back fondly on the old blog platform, and offer a great big pile of gratitude to Larry and everyone at Evidence in Motion for their generosity and help in getting this blog to where it is today. You see, NPA Think Tank has lived comfortably and safely under the wing of EIM on their blog server and platform for quite some time. The folks at Evidence in Motion are consummate professionals!
Where We’re Going
Our new WordPress platform will enable some improved flexibility and visual appeal as we attempt to make good content available to our loyal readers. I hope you like it. Go ahead and explore the main navigation images on the top of the page. Stop first at the Blog page to learn all about our new authors, then check out the Physical Therapy Page, and the Resources content. Also, be sure to click on the Physiospot logo in the sidebar to see Rachael Lowe’s research summaries imported for your convenience.
I’m happy to announce the addition of two PT bloggers into our fold. Rod Henderson, author of the Orthopaedic Physical Therapy blog and, Mark Schwall, author of the Physical Therapy Etcetera blog, are coming over to write at NPA Think Tank. I also plan to have some additional authors come on board very soon, so keep your eyes peeled. The more voices, the stronger the discussion!
A New Name: PT Think Tank Coming Soon!
Here’s the deal on NPA. It is an acronym from an old business of mine, which no longer functions, but has a dear place in my heart. The “N” stands for Nostrebor, my last name backwards, and occasional nickname. Obviously, this is all just nonsense to everyone else but me. When I hear people reference this blog in conversation, no one seems to remember those 3 letters. “Do you read the Think Tank?”, I hear. Well, I hear you.
While it’s quite the risk and undertaking to switch a domain name for an already existing site, I think it makes sense. So, very shortly, NPA Think Tank will become PT Think Tank. It just makes sense, especially as others join me in the fun. We are Physical Therapists, hear us think!!
Stay tuned for more on this change, as we plan out how to make sure everyone stays with us. This should occur within the next two weeks or so. Until then, keep reading, enjoy some new voices, and the new site and…well…keep holding onto those hats!
Our Developer
By the way, do you love the design? Do you wonder how to get a blog from one platform and server to another with a new design, without breaking links, losing comments, and ending up in a FAIL? Do you wonder how to do this all in one evening? Yeah, I did too, until I met Jessica King. She is a developer. She is smart. She does amazing work. I would be lost without her friendship, skills and contributions.
Thanks for the props, Eric. 🙂
I really like the new design – nice and simple without distractions. Keep up the good work – Rod and Mark are good thinkers, so nice choice in adding them.
Thanks, Selena!!