The #DPTstudent chat was created in November of 2012 and has been going strong every Wednesday at 9pm EST since then. The chat has been recognized by the APTA, clinic owners and students alike as a great tool for networking and learning outside of the classroom. Eric Robertson, one of my mentors and a huge enthusiast of the chat, told me once that he thought the chat was one of the most innovative things to happen to DPT students. I never expected it to be as successful as it has been, but I am humbled and excited about how big of an impact it has made. Personally, I can say that I have learned just as much through this chat and interacting with those on social media as I have inside the walls of the classroom.
Don’t worry- the life of the #DPTstudent chat is far from over! In fact, it will be revitalized and have a new energy to it as several new chat leaders take the reigns. As TJ and I move into our final year of PT school, our energy will be focused on our final clinical rotations and transitioning into the professional world. Before we introduce the new chat leaders, let us take a moment to reflect on how far the chat has come and how many students and professionals it has impacted.
According to, #DPTstudent has had…
30,765,113 impressions
31,213 tweets
2,343 participants <- holy cow!
and an average of 2 tweets per hour, every day, for the past 17 months.
TJ and I will still be active on the chat, but please welcome your new chat leaders!
Tyler Tracy @TylerTracy10
My name is Tyler Tracy and I’ll be starting the DPT program at Texas State University in May 2014. At 31, I am older than the traditional DPTstudent as I am completely changing careers. After completing my undergraduate degree in Criminal Justice, I spent about 5 years working as an investigator where I conducted investigations on behalf of the US government. My wife and I are expecting our first child in September 2014, I have the coolest dog alive, and I’m an absolute sports junkie! I have been exposed to the world of physical therapy through my wife and best friend who are both physical therapists in different settings (pedi and neuro respectively). I have also had the opportunity to see PT from a patient perspective a few times due to breaking 13 bones! I have already gained a wealth of knowledge through the #DPTstudent chats and I look forward to continued growth with Jocelyn, Laura and the other students / professionals who participate with us!
Jocelyn Wallace @Jocelyn_SPT
My name is Jocelyn Wallace and I’m starting the DPT program at Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, in May 2014. I graduated from the University of South Florida with a B.S. in Environmental Science and plans to be a lawyer. After two years working as a paralegal, I knew that path wasn’t for me but I did get experience working for PACs and the FL State Senate. I am excited to apply these experiences to advocate for the profession I believe in. I’ve spent the past year working at a #cashPT practice and have completely absorbed myself in the profession. I even started up the company’s social media plan and got on twitter myself to “practice what I preach”. That decision has already paid off tenfold as I have been given the opportunity to help lead the #DPTstudent chat, learn and connect with countless fellow students and professionals. I am beyond eager to see what the next 3 years on Twitter bring!
Laura Webb @lauralwebb
Hi! My name is Laura Webb and I am a 2nd-year physical therapy student at the University of Kansas Medical Center. I am president of my class, and am involved in the Kansas Physical Therapy Association Student Special Interest Group. In my spare time I like sailing, playing music, training for triathlons and teaching water aerobics. I consider myself a coffee connoisseur, and I love chickens. I’m looking forward to helping out with the #DPTstudent chats!
The transition to these amazing new moderators will be taking place soon, so be sure to follow them and welcome them!