The International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists (IFOMPT <- say it, it’s fun!) will be happening very soon (Oct 1-5) in Quebec City, Canada. Specific details on the Conference Website.
The conference will showcase some of the most up-to-date information by the leaders in manual therapy. It is an opportunity not to be missed. You may not be able to attend, but fortunately the 21st century offers many ways for you to learn and to engage with those attending:
Live Blogging
Live-blogging is live coverage of an event as it happens. TheĀ correspondentĀ sitting in the lecture hall can share quotes from the speaker, links to relevant websites, photos, and more. The service we will use is called CoverItLive. You can check out theirĀ current event listings and view a live event right now to get a flavor of what this is like. You can also scroll through a transcript of the coverage of an event after it has concluded, here is an example from CSM2012. The best part of watching a live blogged session is your ability to contribute to the discussion remotely!

PTTT contributor Mike Pascoe had a successful pilot experience live-blogging five sessions from CSM2012 and is ready to step up his game for IFOMPT2012! We have dedicated a special page of PT Think Tank to IFOMPT Live Coverage. Mike Pascoe will be live-blogging all day, every day! Head over to the page and look at the sessions Mike Pascoe is planning on live-blogging. You can even sign up to receive email reminders a specified amount of time ahead of the event:

Official conference handle: @IFOMPT2012
Conference hashtag: #IFOMPT12
Are you using twitter to network before arriving at IFOMPT?
Official conference blog
PT Think Tank, of course!
Au revoir!
Looking forward to meeting you in Canada and interacting with you on the web…