Do you MOOC?

In a recent article in the NY Times entitle, “The Year of the MOOC,” writer Laura Pappano describes an exciting, ongoing disruption in education. MOOCs, or Massive Open Online Courses, are quickly becoming the next big thing. I’ve taken or am taking several of these and I very much enjoy the learning process. The ability to engorge your mind with such high-quality content is unmatched. However, don’t think this is simply sitting back and getting fed information. These courses, usually mirrors of the on-campus versions of the courses, can be a lot of work!

There are obvious implications for healthcare within this framework. In fact, the University of Texas System recently joined up as a main partner with EdX, a collaborative including Harvard, University of California Berkley, and MIT. In their press release on the matter, the UT office spoke directly to the idea of including health-based offerings on the EdX platform.

The UT System brings a large and diverse student body to the edX family. Its six health institutions offer a unique opportunity to provide groundbreaking health and medical courses via edX in the near future. The UT System also brings special expertise in analytics – assessing student learning, online course design and creating interactive learning environments.

Within the next year, expect to see MOOCs being offered with options to pay for credits. Within the next few years, expect to see a wholly different educational environment that what we have today. University education is set to undergo a rapid evolution. Here’s to hoping this evolution occurs consistent with the traditionally high standards that have always existed, and here’s to hoping physical therapists can find a way to educate more than just future PT’s using such tools. It’s a clear opportunity for worldwide advocacy.

2 Replies to “Do you MOOC?”

  1. I have used iTunesU and PodCasts of different free courses to listen in on lectures about neuroscience, consciousness, cognitive psychology, and statistics from UC Berkley, Harvard, etc.

    I think this technology and idea has the potential to revolutionize the delivery of information from the high school level to graduate school and beyond.

  2. I too am interested in disruptive innovations as they apply to education. I see changes coming. I too hope that high standards remains and that a degree obtained by online courses can stand alone like the BA I have hanging on my wall.

    I’m yet to MOOC myself, but it certainly is appealing to see what all the fuss about organic chemistry is all about!

    Future waves of students entering our physical therapy DPT curricula are going to learn very differently than when current educators went to school. I hope we can aim forward and shot at where the target is moving to, not where it is and miss the mark!

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