How to Survive Finals – #DPTstudent topic for Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Topic: How to Survive Finals!

It’s that time in the semester again where you can’t seem to drink enough coffee, you quiz yourself in your sleep, and you don’t think that there is any way for this much information to be absorbed in your brain. It’s finals time! This Wednesday we will be discussing how we make it through finals. What are your tricks to staying sane? What kind of study breaks do you take? Are you an up-all-night studier or early-bird studier?

Use this twitter chat as a nice study break to learn some new ideas from other DPT students on how to survive finals. Talk to you all this Wednesday at 9pm EST! #DPTStudent

User’s Guide to Twitter:

APTA’s Social Media team put this excellent quick guide to how to get the basics of Twitter down. Check it out!


Click here for this chat’s analytics and transcript.


About Lauren Riley:

Lauren is a first year DPT student at Regis University in Denver, CO. She’s helping to coordinate the #DPTstudent tweetchat with others, and is a new PTThink Tank contributor! She attended American University in Washington, DC for her undergraduate degree where she majored in accounting and statistics. After a severe knee injury and a change of heart, Lauren decided to change careers. Outside of PT school, Lauren enjoys whipping up new recipes, hiking and triathlons. You can find her on Twitter at @LaurenrSPT.